FREE Book Promotion

Submission Requirements:

  • Book Cover
    • Your book must have a good quality, Professionally Designed cover
  • Content
    • Your book must be Professionally Edited, and your book description must be accurate and not contain links, passages of ‘ALL CAPS’, or secondary promotions
  • Offer
    • Please ensure your Deal / Sale Price is lower than the Regular Price
    • Some of our Readers are not members of Kindle Unlimited, so we request your book’s regular price is lowered, even if your book is also free on KU.
  • Other
    • Error free submission
    • Selected books will only be promoted once every 90 days.
  • Limitations:

    Any individual can submit up to 3 books in any 24 hour period - this is simply to ensure our website resources aren't exhausted.

    Get Unlimited:

    There is no limit on the number of paid service submissions!

    Secure your promotion on the date of your choosing by using one of our Paid Promotions.

    Bulk Submissions:

    Bulk prices are available by request!

    Enquire about bulk orders HERE

  • Secure Your Promotion, on Your Chosen Date For Only $19 HERE

  • Please note -- So that we can continue offering this fantastic FREE book promotion option for up and coming authors to try our service and get some free publicity, we must limit book submissions - any individual can submit up to 3 books in any 24 hour period - this is simply to ensure our website resources aren't exhausted.

    If you'd like to discuss this, for any reason, please write to

  • Our popularity means that we get a LOT of free book submissions! And some users are submitting as many as 100+ at a time - which has become a huge drain on our server resources - and this is not the intended purpose of this service.

    Since the majority of authors only submit 1 or 2 books at a time, we feel that limiting submissions to 3 per day is fair and is unlikely to affect 99%+ of our users

  • Enter Book Promotional Information Below

  • Section 1: Your Information
  • Section 2: Your Book
  • Book cover will appear here...
  • 0 of 100 max characters
  • Accepted file types: jpg, png, gif, Max. file size: 5 MB.
    Your book cover might take a moment to upload once you click next below.
  • Section 3: Your Promotion
  • Select date MM slash DD slash YYYY
    When would you like your promo to start? FREE Submissions must be made at least 48 hours in advance. (If you wish your promotion to begin sooner, see our paid services.)
  • Select date MM slash DD slash YYYY


All authors making submissions for a FREE BOOK PROMOTION agree to having their email address added to Bookzio’s 2x email lists:

These are Bookzio’s own lists, no details are shared with any 3rd parties.

  1. Our Daily Deals Email Newsletter (This is sent daily, 1 email every day): this is the newsletter where your book will be promoted, if it is chosen for a free promotion. It is important that you are added to this email list so you can see your book’s promotion when it happens. We do not have the resources to provide promotion details to our free users, so this is the best way to verify your promotion. If you wish to unsubscribe, simply open the email and go to the bottom where there is an ‘unsubscribe’ button.
  2. Our Author Promotions Email (This is sent approximately 1x per month): Occasionally, we offer a reduced price coupon on our paid book promotion services. Authors are alerted to these reduced price offers through an email, by adding you to this list we are giving you the opportunity to try our paid services at a reduced price. If you do not wish to receive these occasional emails simply open one, go to the bottom, and click the link named ‘unsubscribe’.

They are simple to unsubscribe from, if you wish. If you do not wish for your email to be added to these lists, please do not apply for a free Bookzio promotion.