Author: Joanne Levy

Category: Children & Middle Grade

Regular price: $4.99

Deal price: Free

Deal starts: May 18, 2024

Deal ends: May 18, 2024


After she's hit by lightning at a wedding, twelve-year-old Lilah Bloom develops a new talent: she can hear dead people. That's right, she's now a medium--a person who talks to ghosts! Among them, there's her overopinionated Bubby Dora; an old lady fashion designer; and a kid who is pure mischief and threatens to ruin everything.The ghosts are more annoying than frightening, especially when Lilah has one big fear on her mind: talking to-and possibly going to the seventh-grade dance with-her crush, Andrew Finkel. Lilah only ever wanted to be a regular seventh-grader, maybe a seventh-grader with a date for the dance, but with meddling ghosts getting in the way, her life is now filled with drama of the spirit variety.What's a young medium to do?