Author: Lucia Rodriguez

Category: Children & Middle Grade

Regular price: $2.99

Deal price: Free

Deal starts: October 27, 2023

Deal ends: October 27, 2023


GREAT NEWS TO SHARE!!!We're thrilled to have received the prestigious Firebird Book Award for Fall of 2022!

Did you know that Koala Bears have 2 opposable thumbs?

A Grizzly Bear can eat up to 90 pounds of food a day, which is like eating 350 cheeseburgers in one day!

Bactrian Camels can eat cactus plants because of their thick leathery mouths.

Water Moccasins aren’t like other snakes that lay eggs, they actually have live babies!

You’ll find tons of interesting facts

in A Kingdom of Wild Animals.

Enjoy a visual Animal Safari as each animal tells you all about themselves and the interesting ways they survive in their natural habitats.

Start your fascinating journey today and let them tell you:

How they live.Where they come from.How they take care of their young.Plus so much more fun information!

A Wild Kingdom of Animals

brings you animals from:

The ForestThe Desertand The Everglades!

As an added Bonus we've included 5 adorable animal coloring pages and a glossary of interesting words.

Don’t miss out on all of the fun and interesting animal facts today!