Author: Eric Schwitzgebel

Category: General Nonfiction

Regular price: $21.99

Deal price: $1.99

Deal starts: October 13, 2024

Deal ends: October 13, 2024


PHILOSOPHY HAS NEVER BEEN THIS FUN: Explore “consciousness, the multiverse, [and] what it all means” in this essay collection of “58 bite-sized gems from a leading philosopher” (Susan Schneider, NASA Chair).   Have you ever wondered about why some people are jerks? Asked whether your driverless car should kill you so that others may live? Found a robot adorable? Considered the ethics of professional ethicists? Reflected on the philosophy of hair? In this engaging, entertaining, and enlightening book, Eric Schwitzgebel turns a philosopher’s eye on these and other burning questions. In a series of quirky and accessible short pieces that cover a mind-boggling variety of philosophical topics, Schwitzgebel offers incisive takes on matters both small (the consciousness of garden snails) and large (time, space, and causation).   A common theme might be the ragged edge of the human intellect, where moral or philosophical reflection begins to turn against itself, lost among doubts and improbable conclusions. The history of philosophy is humbling when we see how badly wrong previous thinkers have been, despite their intellectual skills and confidence. (See, for example, “Kant on Killing Bastards, Masturbation, Organ Donation, Homosexuality, Tyrants, Wives, and Servants.”) Some of the texts resist thematic categorization—thoughts on the philosophical implications of dreidels, the diminishing offensiveness of the most profane profanity, and fatherly optimism—but are no less interesting.   Schwitzgebel has selected these pieces from the more than one thousand that have appeared in various publications and on his popular blog, The Splintered Mind, revising and updating them for this book. Philosophy has never been this much fun.