Author: Kristie Haigwood

Category: Children & Middle Grade

Regular price: $3.99

Deal price: Free

Deal starts: October 20, 2023

Deal ends: October 20, 2023


Introverted and eidetic Charlie Mason never quite fit in with the in crowd—or any crowd, for that matter; nor did she want to. Being invisible suited her just fine.At age nine, a tragic vehicle accident left Charlie in a coma for over a month and took the life of her brother, the person she admired most. She closed in on herself and blocked out everything from her past, including her best friend.Six years later, her life is about to change whether she wants it to or not.Seventeen-year-old Sean Reese is a legend on the baseball field and one of the most popular guys at Eden High. When Charlie is attacked by three guys in the ball-field parking lot, Sean saves her in more ways than one. He wants to be her friend and will not take no for an answer.Two teenagers form an impenetrable bond and nothing will be able to tear them apart… not even when Charlie begins to remember.