Author: Deborah Sosin, Sara Woolley

Category: Children & Middle Grade

Regular price: $6.99

Deal price: $1.99

Deal starts: September 21, 2023

Deal ends: September 21, 2023


This charming picture book teaches kids ages 2-9 about using self-regulation techniques like mindful breathing to find peace in our noisy, over-stimulating world.

“Wholesome enjoyment for kids and adults alike.” —Sharon Salzberg, author of Real Happiness
Charlotte likes quiet. But wherever Charlotte goes, she is surrounded by noise, noise, noise—her yipping dog, Otto; the squeaky, creaky swings; the warbling, wailing sirens. Even in the library, children yammer and yell. Where can Charlotte find a quiet place? Sara Woolley’s magnificent watercolors bring Charlotte’s city to life when Otto leads her on a wild chase through the park. There, Charlotte discovers a quiet place where she never would have imagined!
Sometimes children need a break from our noisy, over-stimulating world. Charlotte and the Quiet Place shows how a child learns and practices mindful breathing on her own and experiences the beauty of silence. All children will relate to the unfolding adventure and message of self-discovery and empowerment. Parents, teachers, and caretakers of highly active or sensitive children will find this story especially useful.
“ . . . fits perfectly with my Zones of Regulation lessons.” —Books that Heal Kids