Author: Glynn James

Category: Science Fiction

Regular price: $3.99

Deal price: Free

Deal starts: July 26, 2024

Deal ends: July 26, 2024


Diary of the Displaced is a genre-breaking saga that is part mystery, part scifi, part horror and part fantasy.Readers are calling the DIARY OF THE DISPLACED series: "A wild ride through a stunning imagination." ... "An epic journey through places best left in darkness." ... "I was hooked in the first few pages." ... "Mysterious, compelling, and brilliantly imagined." ... "Unpredictable with great character development." ... "Great books...enjoyed from first word to last." ... "Unexpectedly excellent!" ... "Very bizarre and imaginative."

Alone again. Sitting on the ledge in the darkness of The Corridor. A sword thrust through his chest.

His faithful companion, DogThing - thrown to the horde of zombies below.The scaffold bridge that was his only escape - destroyed.Rudy, Adler, Reg and Marie - all separated by the closed portal.The portal key - stolen.His weapons - thrown into the darkness.Not one, but two dangerous enemies roaming in the darkness.Could it get much worse for James?Yes. It could.The Journal of James Halldon continues...If it's dark when you wake up, and you can hear growling, then close your eyes and maybe it will go away. But maybe it won't.