Author: DC Little

Category: Dystopian & Apocalyptic

Regular price: $0.99

Deal price: Free

Deal starts: July 24, 2024

Deal ends: July 27, 2024


Ninety percent of the world’s population would perish, they fought to be a part of the 10% that survived.

For Secret Service Agent, Blake Chantry, ensuring that his superiors thrive in the face of a national disaster has been his primary objective for the last year. When Solar Storms warn of the impending fate of the world, leaving the people without power, and having to learn a new way to survive, he is faced with a life and death decision. Fulfilling his duty pales in the face of adversity when a blazing inferno separates him from his family. The power grid fails, vehicles explode, and mob-rule follows closely behind, but Blake risks everything to save his wife and young son.

Kris Chantry’s husband has prepared her for this day, though she never believed it would actually happen...until it does. When her car stalls and bursts into flames leaving her and her son fighting through wildfires, road blocks, and the unknown, Kris digs deep, remembers her training, and sacrifices everything for her son to survive.