Author: Author Sunrize Jackson

Category: African-American & Black Interest

Regular price: $9.99

Deal price: Free

Deal starts: August 15, 2024

Deal ends: August 18, 2024


Losing a loved one is never an easy thing, especially if it was cruel and unjust. Author Sunrize Jackson tells you a true story and takes you on a journey of the life of her brother Keith Jackson who called himself "The Dream" all through high school and college. She takes you back to when he was at his best of doing what he loved. He was talented in many ways but his talent in art and football took him to popularity. Watching his success and his fall through his little sister's eyes who was four years younger, helps you grasp the tragic feelings of what others go through when witnessing their loved ones happy moments and tragic moments. This book also talks about his untimely death by the hands of police in which so many young black men have fallen victim to.