Author: Colin Lindsay

Category: Fantasy

Regular price: $0.99

Deal price: Free

Deal starts: August 27, 2023

Deal ends: August 27, 2023


Raven’s Wings

Banishment is heart-wrenching… so why choose it?

Cast to the winds, Kala’s to-do list is daunting…- Survive another day…

(so far so good)

- Regain her humanity…

(easier said than done)

- Track down the “one that got away”…

(he’s out there)

- Find a way home…

(can’t give up hope)

- Serve the Goddess of Death…

(what the hell?)

- Stop the Apocalypse…


How can a girl stop the Apocalypse when she is the Goddess of Death’s chosen weapon?

Kala may have a talent for killing, but it won’t help her escape what she fears most. As the only contact between the isolated communities of her world, mysterious airships demand a youth in exchange for the goods that each community so desperately needs to survive. If you have to send someone away, you choose a misfit, and Kala has always been at the top of the list.Kala’s trepidation is upended by the arrival of charismatic Skye, who teases a life beyond her village, then is carried away from her on the winds. Kala is thrust into the brutal and unforgiving wider world, where she is enslaved by a lord who desires her talents as his personal assassin. The Church also wants her, believing her to be the prophesied weapon of the Goddess of Death.Kala just wants to regain her freedom and her humanity, find Skye and a way home, but all of those things seem outside her reach.

Death’s Angel

All that stands against a bloodthirsty army is Kala and her friends...


her questionable boyfriend


her best friend whose father she killed


her best friend’s girlfriend


the guy who tortured her


a prostitute with a heart of gold


a lioness with a penchant for nudity


the girl her boyfriend cheated on her with


a monk with no sense of humor

No problem, right?

Kala’s world is set aflame by Soren, a self-declared child of the winds, who was ripped from his family and sent in an airship to the harsh northern steppes. To assuage his anger, Soren has raised an army to destroy the world and every airship in it.The Church fans the flames, hoping to usher in a cleansing apocalypse and return the world to a garden-like state before humanity can destroy itself and the planet the way the Ancients almost did. The Kala is prophesied to raise an army to oppose Soren, thereby obliterating each other and accomplishing the Church’s dark goals.As the mismatched confrontation looms, Kala fears the Priestess’s prediction… that her friends love her enough to die for her.

Queen’s Sacrifice

The list of people trying to kill Kala keeps growing…

- an army of barbarians- a death cult and its Machiavellian leader- a dark order of assassins- the shadowy Ancients, who refuse to stay dead- a host of unkillable monsters- a horde of metallic devil-spiders…and that’s just the active list!

Luckily, the Goddess of Death is on Kala’s side.

That’s got to count for something, doesn’t it?

The series draws to an explosive conclusion as Kala’s allies clash with Soren’s army, straining bonds and testing friendships.The real enemy, the shadowy Church, led by the cunning Priestess, continues to orchestrate the Apocalypse, wielding a formidable arsenal of long-forgotten weapons and the support of the Ancients themselves.Caught between forces bent on total destruction, the situation looks hopeless for Kala and those she loves. A final battle is looming in which Kala will have to choose between her humanity and her destiny – a battle that will scorch the earth and her heart.Can one person stop the Apocalypse, even if that person is the Goddess’s Scythe?.