Author: Scott Cawood

Category: Business, Money & Jobs

Regular price: $8.99

Deal price: $1.99

Deal starts: November 29, 2023

Deal ends: November 29, 2023


WHAT WOULD IT TAKE TO MAKE WORK BETTER?With shifting worker expectations and market upheaval, leaders and organizations everywhere are trying to catch their breath. As a result, a division in workplace culture has emerged with some companies clinging to obsolete corporate practices and others feeling lost and overwhelmed.As the CEO of WorldatWork and a self-proclaimed “work nerd,” author Scott Cawood introduces The New Work Exchange, a philosophy which redefines a successful workplace. From unpacking the history of work, the challenges of keeping pace with consumer demands, and the importance of putting people first, The New Work Exchange is a journey to reassess value alignment between workers and workplaces.With real-life examples from some of the best (and worst) workplaces to practical questions and tips, The New Work Exchange is an exploration of what work really works. Read more