Author: E Foster B

Category: Thriller & Suspense

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Deal starts: August 20, 2024

Deal ends: August 20, 2024


The Xperience Factory’s Sucket List is the manifestation of a surging underground movement ignited by Coop, a suicidal man who feels alive only when he attempts to kill himself.Published as an annual catalog for the premier business specializing in arranging extraordinary adventures, Coop’s evolution from a couch potato to a legendary daredevil is chronicle through each advertisement of its top fifteen ventures and its customers’ reviews. The fourth wall separating the readers from the characters is torn down page by page within this book. Without this usual barrier, readers go beyond just taking in a novel; they become part of the phenomena motivating millions to live their best lives.While Coop’s story of reclaiming happiness and rediscovering his soul is uniquely death-defying and bold, readers still end up relating to his struggles because they, too, grapple with the same struggles in their own lives. Readers find a kindred spirit in Coop and the other characters that made The Xperience Factory through this connection.For these reasons, it is not surprising that after so many consume this groundbreaking read, they join the movement and take on incredible journeys themselves, creating their own life-worthy experiences.